The Notice Blog: Climate Change Skeptic Scott Pruitt to Head EPA

Last week, a GOP-dominated senate confirmed Scott Pruitt as head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, despite Democrats best attempts to delay his vote. Here's why you should be concerned:

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Let's Talk About Walls...

I haven’t seen the movie. I’m not going to. But I have seen both trailers twice, and I read most of the Wikipedia synopsis, which is all I need to denounce this congregation of moving images as a blight on humanity. If you haven’t seen the trailers, nor read most of the Wikipedia synopsis, worry not. I’ll save you the trouble.

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Kim Kardashian + Ethnography + Stereotypes | The Heights

Kim Kardashian + Ethnography + Stereotypes | The Heights

A new talk show that follows the cast of "In the Heights," in living rooms, subway cars, and everywhere dope convos happen.

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Just Who Counts as a Woman of Color?

After I shared an article that addressed the conspicuous lack of women of color on magazine covers, a friend exclaimed, “Let’s not forget there is a lack of our Latina and Asian sisters.” That comment, while coming from someone with all the best intentions in the world, prompted me to ask a series of awkward and sobering questions..

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Weeds of Division in a Garden of Unity

Our political reality is sad and outrageous and the source of its current corrupted state of affairs isn’t something we can offload onto others. I’m convinced that our current civil conflict falls in the lineage of spiritual battles that pits a fearful, shrinking heart against a courageous, expansive love.

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