Don't Be Fooled: Evidence Suggests Quotas Are a Fact of Life Within the NYPD

In what could fairly be described as the de Blasio administration's entry in the contest for the Sean Spicer medal for the the most blatant lie by a government spokesperson this month, here's a recent statement by J. Peter Donald, an NYPD mouthpiece: "Quotas for arrests, summonses, or stops have never been used by the NYPD. The department measures success based on the prevention and reduction of crime."

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She's Bringing Performing Arts Back to Inner City Schools

Meet the woman who brought Performing Arts back to Inner City Schools: Tylibah Iman Washington of TCC Performing Arts International. For more videos, donate to Our Kickstarter!

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100 Days of Resistance: Day 4 "The Shining City on a Hill"

Much like the 1940s, a lot of the rhetoric surrounding this issue is focused on fear mongering that terrorists will somehow infiltrate the refugees from Syria and Iraq and carry out an attack on the United States. To reiterate, these refugees are trying to come here to escape exactly that kind of violence, not to carry it out. The fact is that there has not been a single case of someone posing as a refugee and carrying out an act of terror.

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100 Days of Resistance: Day 3 "Am I Human?"

They claim they’re keeping ‘men out of the women’s’ bathroom. I am being told that I am a predator. That I am likely a rapist. That I am likely a pedophile. Of course, none of these things are true, and if anything these bills put men in the women’s bathroom by forcing trans-men to use the women’s room. Once again, my basic humanity is a subject of debate by mostly heterosexual cisgender men who know nothing of trans identity other than their own prejudice and don’t care to learn about it or to humanize it"

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100 Days of Resistance: Day 2 “Donald Trump is the Most Anti-Israel US President in Generations”

Every single day for the next 100 days I will post another piece that resists President Trump and his administration. [..] Today’s piece is on the Israeli – Palestinian Conflict and moving our embassy to Jerusalem.


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OPINION: “The Problem, Dear Brutus…is in Us.”

The sooner we accept that the majority of human discord can be attributed to willful ignorance and blatant rejection of new ideas, the sooner we will begin working from the inside, out. [..] Have I left you wondering how a Catholic monk could be the founder of genetics, or a Muslim scholar the father of modern medicine? I hope so.

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