100 Days of Resistance: Day One "The World is in Our Hands"

 Now that Donald Trump is the President of the United States, I was thinking how can I resist his agenda? I decided on “100 Days of Resistance”. Every single day for the next 100 days I will post another piece that resists President Trump and his administration. Today’s piece is on nuclear weapons.

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Wanna Know How to Beat the System? #SwipeItForward

#SwipeItForward returned to New York City last November in a city-wide demonstration against the Broken Windows policies of NYPD. To help prevent fellow New Yorkers from a night in jail, these activists offered free rides to those in need. But there's an even bigger story at work here: 

- Paul Notice Like. Share. Love.

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Obama's Farewell + Golden Showers is a Red Herring & Trump is Nixon | News Bites | 01.11.17

Obama's Farewell + Golden Showers is a Red Herring & Trump is Nixon | News Bites | 01.11.17 

Donate to Our Kickstarter Campaign! http://kck.st/2jdRqjo 

- Paul Notice 

Like. Share. Love.

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YOU CAN'T DIE HERE - EPISODE 4 "..Is something the matter?"

Remember that little web series I made a couple of years ago? Welp, I still do. My work's come a long way since then, but it's still relevant today. Anyway, here's Episode 4 of "You Can't Die Here."

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YOU CAN'T DIE HERE - EPISODE 3 "...but I live here."

Remember that little web series I made a couple of years ago? Welp, I still do. My work's come a long way since then, but it's still relevant today. Anyway, here's Episode 3 of "You Can't Die Here."

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A Total Stranger Paid for My Hotel in Chicago | SOTD: The Kindness of Others

A total stranger paid for my hotel room in Chicago. Literally just b/c he overheard me trying to figure out wtf do while stranded on an overnight trip back to NYC. It's a long story from a 3 day trek from St. Louis to NYC,  right in time for New Year's Eve. And in all that adventure, I learned a pretty dope lesson about the kindness of others. I also slept through most of New Year's Day.

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Aleppo + Tilda Swinton + Holiday Miracle | Minisodes 12.20.16

Let's talk about the assassination of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey, and why we can't ignore #Aleppo. Plus, Tilda Swinton needs to stop with the fake liberalism. Also, Senior Producer Tatiana Escalant helped me get home to my family for the holidays!! Oh, and we are FUNDRAISING in January 2017. AND the team just got even bigger.

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