This mini-series follows a group of actors living in Washington Heights, and all of the racial, sexual, social, and political complexities of millennial life.
Week 7: SANKOFA The most striking recurrence I’ve experienced in these conversations proved to be this sort of anxiety older Black Americans held about others in the community not knowing enough about a given issue. In fact, this apprehension was very much framed in a the way that the speaker is often the discoverer of a political/social/historical truth. The speaker, knowing that this truth could empower others in the community, then worries that they haven’t yet made the same discovery, and will therefore bring not only them down, but everyone else. They are, for intents and purposes, their brother’s keeper.
WEEK 12: LOVE THAT BINDS In Love That Binds, we explore different points of view on love and relationships with familiar faces from earlier projects In the Heights, relatives in St. Louis and people encountered in Washington DC. Here we recount stories of when lovers first meet, the permanence of relationships then & now, and finding meaning and significance in both. In the midst of it all, these stories reveal the undeniable parallels of love across color, age, and sexuality that ultimately deconstructs the Other.