What Next? | Shampagne Season 2 | Episode 1
So one of my favorite clients is Melissa Mickens, creator of "Shampange," a hilarious web series that follows an actress attempting to make it big as a rapper. What really pulled me to this project was how well the editing process worked and got even better over time. You can see that in Season 2. By episode 3, the show has found its rhythm, and a very unique tone in storytelling, one that often makes the audience question how much is real, and how much is imagination. Anyway, check out Episode 1 above (episode 3 is my fav, no lie, but you gotta watch it all for the pay off.)
“So one of my favorite clients is Melissa Mickens, creator of “Shampange,” a hilarious web series that follows an actress attempting to make it big as a rapper. What really pulled me to this project was how well the editing process worked and got even better over time. You can see that in Season 2, by episode 3 the show has found its rhythm, and very unique tone in storytelling, one that often makes the audience question how much is real, and how much is imagination. Anyway, check out Episode 1 above (episode 3 is my fav, no lie, but you gotta watch it all for the pay off.) ”
Pagnecham has made her social media debut. She’s out there! But...what comes next? Her guru and older brother sure don’t have the answers. Thank goodness for Alicia and her connects to a “sassy, black, fab” influencer.
M- Melissa Mickens
Leroy Legend- Barron B. Bass
James- David J. Cork
Alicia- Alicia Lundgren
Waitress- Jenna Bosco
Directed by:
Alfie Fuller
Written by:
Melissa Mickens
Executive Producer:
Melissa Mickens
Glenn Quentin
Paul Notice
Director of Photography:
Jamie Li
Music by:
Pierce Robinson
Sound Op:
Dallas Rico
Special thanks to:
Underbar NYC
Shareena Casterline
James Patton